When you declutter your home, you simplify your home and your life. Too much stuff can make your life stressful and makes it hard to maintain a clutter-free home. It is important to establish habits and routines to help you maintain your clutter-free home. We want to share 6 QUICK AND EASY TIPS TO MAINTAIN A CLUTTER-FREE HOME now and in the future:

1. A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place– It is essential for you to have a place for each item in your home if you want to maintain a clutter-free home. Also, getting into the habit of putting things away regularly is step two. Clutter happens over time…when items don’t have a home, or you simply don’t know what to do with them or where to keep them in your house. Items sit out and take up surfaces of your home, creating clutter.

2. Identify Common Causes of Clutter and Plan– Many times the same items around your home are the biggest causes of clutter. Such as clothes, mail, paperwork, toys, dishes, keys, phones, wallets, sunglasses, etc. Notice the common causes of clutter around your home and plan to deal with the common causes of clutter, on a regular basis (daily or weekly). After a while this becomes a new routine.

3. Have a System for Your Mail and Paperwork– Items like mail, to do lists, school papers, bills, things that need your attention or action, etc. are all items that can pile up if you don’t take control. When you set something down to deal with it later you put it off and before you know it you have a whole pile of papers, not just one or two. Setting up a filing system for specific categories of papers will help you put things away in an organized way, and you will be able to find things when you need them in the future.

4. Keep an Ongoing Donations Box Around- When you come across items in your home such as clothing, outdated holiday decorations and other items that you no longer use, need or love then add it to your donations box. When you box gets full, take it to your local donation center and drop it off. Keeping an ongoing donations box around the house makes decluttering on the go easy.

5. Make Your Bed- When you make your bed everyday it helps you start your day off with a sense of initiative and accomplishment. Although it only takes a couple of minutes to make your bed, this task instantly transforms the way the room looks and feels. Your mindset will shift when you start making your bed daily and this will help motivate you to keep your home clutter-free. This small habit can help create a domino effect that inspires other small habits to form when it comes to keeping your home tidy.

6. Keep Your Kitchen Tidy- The kitchen is the heart of your home. This room is used often, so keeping your kitchen neat and clutter-free can impact the feel of the whole house. Here are a few things you can get in the habit of doing regularly: cleaning as you cook, quickly cleaning up after each meal, reusing the same drinking glass through out the day and loading all the dirty dishes in to the dishwasher every night before bed. Your kitchen counters should be able to be seen and used.

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